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Winter Safety Tips, Are You Ready for the Winter?

Winter safety tips can prove to be helpful. The winter chill seems to be here to stay, and us Chicagoans know that such cold weather can last well into the spring season. While oftentimes this leads to minor inconveniences, at other times it can cause a power outage in your home. Being prepared for this situation will ensure you and your family stay safe and sound until power is restored.

Here is what you should know in case of an emergency:

  • Have enough bottled water and non-perishable food items on-hand to last three days for your entire family.
  • Keep a battery-powered radio, flashlights, a wireless phone charger, and batteries somewhere they can be found easily.
  • While candles or kerosene lanterns seem like a good idea, they also present a serious fire hazard. Emergency responders will not be busy taking care of the power outage, so they may not be available for immediate assistance in the event of a fire.
  • Do not bring a charcoal or gas grill inside your home for cooking or heating, as they give off carbon monoxide and can lead to illness or death.
  • Stay away from downed electric wires. A bad storm may cause the power lines to knock over, but they could still be hot.

You’ve likely dealt with many Chicago winters, but being overly ready never hurts. Stay warm and safe this winter!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or try out DIY service if you have an interest in installing your own security system.

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