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Tips for Home Security During Your Winter Vacation

Home Security During Your Winter Vacation

Tips for home security is important. Getting away for a winter vacation is a great way to beat the stress of the holiday season. However, being away from home can sometimes cause its own brand of stress, as you worry about the safety of your home. Here are some surefire tips to keep your home safe while you’re away enjoying yourself on vacation.

  • Investing in an alarm system is a good idea whether you’re on vacation or not. A burglar alarm can deter criminals from entering your home and alert either the police or a security service that will arrive quickly before too much damage can be done. Having an alarm system installed in your home can also help you get a discount on insurance.
  • A timer for lights is smart addition to most home security systems. Having your lights on a timer can convince potential home invaders that someone is home.
  • Having a neighbor park his or her car in your driveway while you’re away can also be used to trick potential burglars.
  • Friends or neighbors should also be enlisted to pick up mail or the newspaper. While mail and newspaper service can be suspended, the fact that regular deliveries aren’t arriving at your house can also be a sign that no one is home.
  • Deadbolt locks on the doors and windows can go a long way to prevent break-ins as well. After all, if thieves can’t get in, they can’t steal anything. It’s also a good idea to turn your computer off and lock any valuables in a safe place.

Alert Protective Services can install home security systems uniquely structured for your home. We specialize in home surveillance and monitoring systems. Call (855) 433-6700 for inquiries concerning your home’s safety. Try our DIY service today!

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