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Thanksgiving Safety for the Whole Family

Thanksgiving Cooking Safety

Did you know that Thanksgiving is the number one day of the year for home fires involving cooking equipment? Thanksgiving involves a lot of eating, which means it also involves a lot of cooking, which can be a fun activity for the whole family to take part in. Make sure to follow safety measure so keep your family safe while enjoying a delicious Thanksgiving meal.

  • When cooking on the stove top, stay in the kitchen so you can keep an eye on it.
  • Yes, turkeys take a long time to cook — but never leave the home while it is in the oven, and check on it often.
  • Keep all children at least three feet away from the oven and stove at all times.
  • Keep children away from hot foods and liquids — these can splash or steam and cause burns.
  • Keep children away from knives.
  • Make sure the floor is clear of toys, bags, shoes and other items so you don’t trip while carrying food or utensils.
  • Keep matches, lighters and electric cords from cooking appliances out of the reach of children.
  • Do not leave kids alone with a candle.
  • Double-check that all smoke alarms in the home are working.
You can still get your kids involved in preparing the Thanksgiving meal. Have them help with stirring, measuring ingredients and setting the table.
Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Alert Protective Services!
Courtesy of NFPA


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