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Small Business Security

You put an emphasis on safety at home, where you sleep, eat and live with your family. Again, think about it – you likely spend a good portion of your waking hours at your place of work. Why wouldn’t you want the same level of safety there?

If you have your own small business, it is your job to ensure yourself, your employees, your client information (if applicable), and the facility itself are well-protected. You may not have a clue as to how to go about doing this. We’re here to help!

Small Business Security

1. Know what is at the highest level of importance. All things consideredYou can’t predict when an emergency will occur, so you should always be keeping sensitive information (employee records, tax documents, etc.) stored safely. Certain safes are water and fireproof, and some have shelves and compartments to keep everything organized.

2. Make sure you have all the appropriate alarms. Read up on commercial codes . You should have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors; the number needed will vary on the size of your office. Consider investing in a commercial alarm system as well; studies show that businesses armed with alarm systems have lower numbers of break-ins and theft.

3. Don’t forget cyber security. If your employees spend most of the day on the computer using programs and communicating with clients and each other, cyber security is a must. Keep your operating systems, web browsers and anti-virus programs up-to-date. This will increase your business’ protection against hackers and data breaches.

Securing Your Business

4. Have an eye on the business at all times. Just because everyone has clocked out for the day, doesn’t mean there will be peace and quiet until tomorrow morning. Install surveillance cameras near every entrance into your building, or even inside if you find it necessary. This will allow you to monitor any suspicious behavior around the office, even when you’re not there.

5. Make time for your employees. All too often we hear stories of an unhappy employee or ex-employee committing violence at their current or former place of work. Make sure to pay attention to your employees and ensure they are not feeling stressed, depressed, or otherwise negatively toward you or the job. If an employee you have laid off does not take it well, put extra security measures in place to keep everyone safe at work.

Contact us if you have any questions or try our DIY services.

Courtesy of Allstate

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