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Preventing Winter House Fires

Preventing winter fire house fires may seem counterintuitive, but the cold winter months bring house fires with them. Heating, holiday decorations, winter storms, and candles are all part of the reason winter months present an increased risk of a home fire.

Aside from the obvious physical danger, losing your home can be an extremely tough emotional blow. But luckily, you can protect your home. We’ve written this post with our best tips on how to prevent winter house fires and keep your family and home safe this winter.

Take Precautions when Heating 

Heating your home during winter is a major cause of fire. Space heaters, in particular, can be dangerous. According to the National Fire Protection Association, heating equipment is involved in one of every six reported home fires.

Always turn off a space heater any time you are leaving the room or going to bed. Also, keep any space heater at least three feet away from anything flammable. You may think chimneys last forever. The reality is chimneys and heating systems should be cleaned and inspected each year.

Don’t Forget Your Candles

The month of December sees more candles lit up than any other month according to the NFPA. Whether it is to light up a nice dinner or celebrate a holiday, it’s important to take safety precautions.

Avoid using candles in rooms where people fall asleep and blow out all candles before leaving any room. Give a candle a foot of distance from anything flammable. Make sure the candle holder you are using is strong and well-positioned. Always put out candles before they have burned all the way down.

Invest In Your Fire Alarm

Every smart homeowner needs to invest money into a quality fire alarm in Chicago. Fire alarms have been proven time and again to save lives. Fire alarms can detect not only smoke and heat but also carbon monoxide.

Fire alarms in Chicago are particularly important. The harsh winters of Chicagoland mean homeowners need to heat their home. A fire alarm makes sure your family has ample time to evacuate the home and get to safety. And the fire department can respond quicker and potentially save your home.

Call Alert Protective Services Today

Don’t hesitate hoping that it won’t be you to have a home fire this year. Take steps to protect your home by investing in a fire alarm in Chicago. Call Alert Protective Services at (855) 433-6700 or contact us to work with the best in the home protection business. Or try our DIY services.

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