A Video doorbell is a good measure to use when you are you away from home. Video doorbells are an innovative way to ensure your home is a safe one! Just like other home security with cameras, video doorbells are able to detect motion censoring, speak and hear the audio in realtime, and you will receive notifications on
your smart devices when someone is at the door.
Most burglaries happen between 6am and 6pm, while people are away at work or running errands. Truth is, people put off installing home security until after they have been burgled. According to the Alarm System Report, over 2,000,000 home burglaries happen each year in the United States and those are just the reported ones!
Installing a video doorbell will give you the comfort of seeing that your home is safe from the palm of your own hand. Are you still wondering if it is time to install a video doorbell?
Contact Alert Protective to schedule an at-home consultation and the technician will walk you through the home security surveillance system. Also, we recently acquired a new DIY Services. You can install and purchase your own video doorbell here. The next time someone goes knocking on your door, you’ll no longer have to say “who’s there?”