Home security systems are an excellent means of protecting your home, possessions, and family. Monitoring systems would drive thieves away from your home, alert the police, and catch trespassers.
In addition to your alarm system, let’s look at five extra steps you can take to improve the effectiveness of your home security system.
Ways to Increase Your Security
Installing deadbolts is a simple and an effective way to protect your home from a break-in. Deadbolts are immune to lock bumping, and are more difficult to force than doorknob locks.
Of course, a high security lock is no good if it rests in an old and weak door frame, because someone can kick it down. Sturdy door frames are crucial to maintain security. Replace your door frame if it is beginning to decay and consider replacing it with a metal frame.
Since windows are often unlock sometimes don’t even have locks in them, they are common access points for criminals. By using window locks, you can deter entry through your windows. Breaking window glass is a loud, attention-grabbing method of entry that few criminals will pursue.
Use a safe to store your valuables, preferably one that is fire and waterproof in the event of a disaster. Social security cards, insurance papers, deeds, mortgage information, and other important documents can be stored within.
If you have a wireless internet network for your home, make sure a password is required to gain access. Without this protection, anyone can gain access to your network and possibly hack into your personal information.
At Alert Protective Services, we understand every aspect of home security. This is why we use cutting-edge technology in our home security systems to stay ahead of the curve.
Call us today at (855) 433-6700 to learn more or try our DIY services.