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How Secure is Your Home?

Home Security and Alarm Systems

Having a secure home is worth more than peace of mind; it is a matter of safety for you and your family. The FBI reports that a burglary occurs every 16 seconds. Considering the number of homes that experience a burglary each day, it is worth exploring how safe your home truly is.

Alarm System

You can improve your home security by using an alarm system to alert you to attempted break-in. If you do have an alarm system, be sure that there is a sign notifying potential intruders your home security. This will act as an added deterrent. Alarm systems not only scare away intruders but also allow for the rapid dispatch of the proper authorities in case of a break-in.

Smart Lights

Proper lighting is another good way to keep away unwanted visitors. Smart lights that are triggered by sensors can catch trespassers, scaring them away and preventing them from committing criminal acts. These lights are an inexpensive way to improve your home’s security.

Door Strength

Do you know how strong your front door is? Investing in a reinforced door is an ideal way to secure your home. Investigate what materials your door is constructed from if you’re unsure about its safety. Kicking in doors is a common method of entry into a poorly secured residence.

Reinforced Windows

If your windows do not close properly, do not lock, or are not reinforced with another material, you’re probably at risk for a break-in. Adding bars to your windows is one way to up your protection.

Blinds and Window Coverings

You don’t want to advertise the nice things you own, such as TVs, game consoles, and computers. Use your blinds and other window coverings to protect your possessions. Displaying expensive goods is a sure way to lure criminals to target your home.

Video Surveillance

Adding video surveillance to your home is yet another way to improve security. If you opt to add a video recording system, then you should also be sure to post notice. Simply having these signs visible is likely to keep many intruders away. In the event of a break-in, video evidence is extremely helpful for prosecuting all criminals involved.

How many of these security features do you have in your home? If the answer is none, you’re putting yourself at high risk for a break-in. For additional information about ensuring your home’s safety, contact Alert Protective Services Inc. at (855) 433-6700. Try our DIY service today!

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