In the past 24 hours over 9,000 families in North America became burglary victims, losing their valuables and their sense of security and peace of mind. You can prevent many of these crimes if you take a few simple steps to protect your home.
Home security consist of three simple parts: deter, deny, and detect.
- Deter: This involves making your home a less appealing target for burglars. Burglars are looking for targets that pose minimal risk. Always arm your alarm system when you’re not home or when you retire for the evening. Put some of your home’s inside and outside lights on timers, even if you’re not at home. When away for long periods of time, stop newspaper and mail deliveries. When you purchase electronics, such as a new TV, stereo or computer, don’t broadcast the fact by putting the carton out for trash collection. Break down the carton and put it in a trash can.
- Deny: This involves denying entrance by making your home burglar-resistant. When you’re at home, or your system is not on, make sure all of the entry points are lock with dead bolt locks. Make certain all windows, including small basement windows, have secure, pickproof locks and that that youuat all times.
- Detect: Industry studies clearly demonstrate that homes with security systems are far less likely to be burglarized than those homes without a security system. An additional advantage is that with a monitored home security system, you may also qualify for a significant decrease in your homeowner’s insurance rate.
You can also form security alliances with your closest neighbors. Create a Neighborhood Watch group. Post signs announcing that yours is a community with neighbors helping neighbors to detect crime and apprehend criminals. This type of action can result in an additional 50 percent reduction in crimes against property.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or try our DIY service.