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Halloween Safety Recommendations for Parents and Kids

Here are a few halloween safety recommendations. Halloween is an enjoyable time of year for kids and parents alike, from dressing up and trick-or-treating to carving pumpkins and eating candy. In order to make sure everyone has a fun celebration, keep these safety tips in mind:

Halloween Safety Recommendations

  1. Young children should always be supervised while trick-or-treating.
  2. Only go to homes with front lights on, and never allow children to go inside someone’s home (unless you know them).
  3. If your kids are older, know where they will be to trick-or-treat and who they will be with.
  4. Make sure your kids know pedestrian rules and are aware of cars and other people around them.
  5. Stay on roads that are well-lit, and always use the sidewalk.
  6. Do not cut through yards or alleyways.
  7. Keep your cell phone with you if you need to be in communication with a group.
  8. If you are staying at home to give candy to trick-or-treaters, keep your front light on and remove anything that the children could trip or hurt themselves on.
  9. Inform law enforcement of any suspicious activity happening in your neighborhood.

We hope you all have a great and safe Halloween!

Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or try our DIY services.

Courtesy of AAP

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