Internal theft is theft committed by someone inside your business. Your business owns important assets, and you never know the length people could go for some extra cash. Whether your employees work with high or low value assets, here are some business security tips to prevent theft of company property:
Separate Employee Responsibilities
Especially when money is involved, all cash related responsibilities should be divided up to hold people accountable. For example, the person who balances receipts should be different than the person who handles the cash. If you are afraid of your purchase orders being stolen, then the payment, receipt and preparation of purchase orders should be separate functions and handled by different individuals. Always verify incoming orders and track them appropriately.
Provide a Way for Employees to report Theft by Co-Workers
Provide a confidential way for employees to report suspicious behaviors they’ve witnessed from other employees. This is obviously a sensitive topic, so any accusation needs to be handled very carefully. You do not want your employees under the impression you don’t trust them, so be extremely careful about conducting investigations. A false accusation could also result in a lawsuit against you, so specific information in regards to the fraud or theft is crucial.
Use Security Systems
Installing security devices to monitor merchandise or inventory is very wise for any commercial business. Implementing an advanced video surveillance system in your business will dramatically diminish the odds of your employees committing internal theft. Whether you decide to install a surveillance feed or something like a commercial alarm monitor, creating obstacles for your employees to overcome will help your business protect its assets.
Alert Protective Services in Chicago understands the unique security system needs and challenges faced by Chicagoland area business. If you are a business owner in Chicago in need of a reliable security system, contact Alert Protective Services today. Contact us or feel free to call us at (855) 433-6700 for any questions you may have. Try our new DIY services if you are interested in installing your security system yourself.
Courtesy Of: Info Entrepreneurs