The adage is centuries old, but nonetheless true. Your home is your castle, and you want to protect it, your possessions, and your family. Knowing that, and wanting to help you accomplish that, we want to point out some common home security mistakes homeowners often make. What follows are some of the things you should carefully avoid.
1. Using static outdoor lights
Homeowners often feel secure installing outdoor lights they turn on manually before retiring for the night. Rather than being a deterrent, static lights might actually encourage crime by creating shadows where burglars can hide while plotting their break in. A much better deterrent is the installation of lights activated by motion sensors. The sudden burst of light is often sufficient to drive the bad guys away, and for good measure, you’re saving on your electric bill as you’re not burning lights all night long.
2. Not keeping your shrubs trimmed
Overgrown shrubbery provides would-be thieves with excellent places to lurk and hide. Keep your shrubs neatly trimmed, especially those near doors and windows.
3. Having your security control pad clearly visible
If your security system control pad is clearly visible through a window, burglars can easily see from the red or green lights if the system is armed or not. Don’t give them this kind of help. Make sure your security system control pad is not visible through any window in your house.
The same holds true for any valuable items you might own. Make sure they’re not clearly visible through your windows.
4. Hiding a spare key outside
Unfortunately, thieves know the most likely places to find these “hidden” keys. Rather than hiding your spare key under a flowerpot or the welcome mat, it’s much better to leave a key with a trusted neighbor just in case you get locked out of your home.
5. Thinking you’re safe during the daytime
While thieves often prefer the cover of darkness, they also like empty houses, and most home break ins occur between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM when many homeowners are away at work or school. To deter the bad guys, keep your doors locked even when you’re home, keep your garage door closed unless you’re out there puttering or working, and install security cameras and a video/voice doorbell to screen people standing at your front door.
6. Broadcasting travel plans
Summertime is vacation time, and it’s a great temptation to share all the wonderful things you’re seeing and doing on social media, but you shouldn’t do that. Clever, IT-savvy thieves often use keywords related to travel to find homes that are currently empty because homeowners are away. Wait until you’ve returned home to share those great travel adventures and pictures with your friends on social media.
Home Security from Alert Protective Services
In addition to avoiding these common mistakes, the very best thing you can do to eliminate home security vulnerabilities is the installation of a home security system from Alert Protective Services, complete with smart homes devices if you desire.. We’ve been protecting Chicagoland homes and businesses for over 35 years, and our security systems are the very best available.
If, by the way, you’re a do-it-yourself type, we’ve recently added a line of pre-programmed DIY systems for those who want to do their own work.
Either way – installation by our security experts or DIY installation – you’ll enjoy the ultimate security provided by Alert Protective Services. Contact us at your earliest convenience to speak to one of our security experts to schedule your initial no-obligation appointment.