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5 Tips to Keep You and Your Home Safe From Intrusion

Intrusion can be an annoyance. Your home is supposed to be the place where you feel most comfortable. It’s where you and your family spend time together, relax, and rest after a long and hard day. It’s easy to see why most homeowners are so concerned about safety. Nobody wants to be the victim of a home invasion, which is why it’s important to take precautionary measures when it comes to the safety of both you and your family. Luckily, there are a variety of ways, including alarm systems that will help keep your home protected against unwanted and unwelcome invaders.

Here are 5 simple ways that you can keep you, your home, and your family safe from intrusion:

  1. Make sure all doors and windows are securely closed and locked before going to bed each night. Many intruders actually gain access to homes by using an unlocked door or window. Don’t let anyone get in easily!
  2. Get a family dog. Man’s best friend is always great to have around, but they can be especially helpful in warding off intruders. Their bark will discourage the intruder, and they can also hear and sense people much sooner than humans can.
  3. Install a home video surveillance system. Surveillance systems can be set up anywhere around the house, even inside the house, letting you see what’s going on at all times.
  4. Put up motion sensor lights to alert you when people step onto your property.
  5. Invest in a home security system. These devices come in a variety of forms, some using surveillance systems and others using monitor alarm systems. But they all either alert you, a monitoring team, or law enforcement, of a home intrusion.

For the best in home security contacts, you’ll want the amazing products and home security systems offered here at Alert Protective Services Inc. Our team is on-call 24/7, checking for intrusions and taking immediate steps to stop them. Contact us today to learn more!

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