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Travel Security Tips, Protect Your Possessions While Traveling

Travel security tips can be quite useful. Finishing the summer with a vacation? While traveling can be an exciting, fun and eye-opening experience, it can turn into a nightmare if you lose your baggage or fall victim to a pick-pocketer. Continue reading for safety tips that will keep your trip safe and stress-free!

Keep an eye on your bags at all times. You hear it all the time on the airport loudspeaker: “Don’t ever leave your luggage unattended.” Listen to it! As soon as you arrive to the airport, hold onto your bags and keep them close, even when going through security.

Keep your luggage secure. Always lock your bags whenever closed and not needed, regardless of where you are. Many suitcases have a built-in lock, but if yours doesn’t, you can purchase one. Items of special importance (i.e. phone, wallet, passport) should be kept in a zippered compartment or in your pocket so they don’t fall out.

Get to the baggage claim as quickly as possible. Don’t dilly dally once you get off the plane; head directly to the baggage claim. You don’t want to risk someone taking your luggage, either by accident or on purpose. Put a tag or other distinguishable item (ribbon, strong, decal) on your suitcases so you can easily recognize them.

Lock valuables in the hotel safe. While you should leave anything of extreme value at home, keep certain items, such as jewelry or extra spending money, in the safe of your hotel room when venturing out. While most hotels only hire trustworthy staff, it is better to be safe than sorry.

Be alert and aware when sight-seeing. Just because your bags are back at the hotel doesn’t mean you can neglect safety. Unfortunately many tourists are robbed every year when traveling abroad. If you carry a purse, keep it zipped and held tightly under your arm. If you carry a wallet, keep it in your front pocket to make it more difficult for potential criminals to snatch it.

Happy travels!

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