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Signs Security System Isn’t Working Properly

Home Security Installation in Chicago

When you invest in home security camera installation in Chicago, you want to ensure that your system is working properly at all times. You don’t want there to be a flaw in your system that ultimately leads to putting your family in danger.

Home Security Installation in Chicago

Here are some telltale signs that your system is not working the way it should be.

Home Security Installation System Failure

Of course, the most obvious sign that your system is not working properly is a system failure. One way to avoid this is by performing tests on a regular basis to ensure your home is protected. You can also call the Monitoring Center to make sure that they received the alert. If not, one of our team members can come to your home and inspect it. Our staff here at Alert Protective Services will  be more than glad to help you. 

Constant Beeping Noises

Constant beeping noises are a sign that something is malfunctioning with your system. Your first step is to replace old batteries to see if that makes a difference. You can also reset your system to see if that helps. If you are not able to eliminate the beeping sound on your own, make sure to contact our team so that we can send a professional to check on your system.

False Alarms

False alarms may be a result of damaged wiring or circuits within your system. They may also be a sign of low batteries or a lack of user training. If you have experienced multiple false alarms, contact our team.

Security camera installation in Chicago is one of the best things that you can do to protect your family! At Alert Protective Services, LLC, our team is ready to help keep you safe at all times. Contact our team today to get started!

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