Service Cancellation Request
Dear Valued Customer – Per your request we are sending this cancellation request form. Please be aware that Alert requires that we receive this completed form at least 30-days prior. From your requested termination date. If we receive this form in our office less than 30-days from your termination date, you may bill you for our service. For 30-days of service from the receipt of the completed form.
Upon receipt of the completed cancellation form, there will be a complete review of your account. If the terms of your contract is not complete, we will bill you 80% of the balance of your contract. The exception to this would be if you are moving to a new home and you have signed a contract with Alert for service in your new home. The account review and cancellation will be completed within 5 business days of your termination date. You will be notified by email upon receipt of your completed cancellation form. Again upon the completion of the cancellation process and if there is a balance due to Alert or refund due to you.
To begin the cancellation process, please follow the link below and complete our online cancellation form which contains fields for vital account information such as your verbal password.
For the fields you do not know or have an answer for, you can put “NA”, and for the referral email, you can just put your email to allow the cancellation form to submit successfully.
Feel free to contact us or give us a call at (855) 422-6700 if you have any questions. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, and Linkedin for updates on our business.