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5 Reasons to go Wireless with your Security

In the FBI’s report on Crime in the United States, Chicago comes in at number four for burglaries with 13,151 in 2015. That means that we need to be aware that our home, loved ones and valued possessions are potentially at risk. With so much at stake, we must find a way to protect our homes.

Luckily there are steps you can take to put your house a cut above in terms of security. That way, you prevent burglars from even thinking of robbing your home.

The first step is to go wireless. To show you why, here are 5 reasons you should get a wireless home alarm in Oak Park.

Wireless Security

 Unlike a hard-wired system, a wireless system does not have the vulnerability of an outside location which can be disabled. Hard-wired systems can be rendered completely useless when cut, leaving the home defenseless. Nowadays, we’re lucky enough to have affordable wireless systems. With a wireless system in place, you can monitor your house 24/7.

Easy Installation

No longer is it necessary to spend loads of time and money setting up an alarm system. A wireless home security panel will be set up near the most commonly used doors while sensors and detectors will be placed throughout your home.

Wireless Security is Battery Powered

Wireless home alarm systems were designed to work on battery power. This gives you another line of protection. Most systems will also alert you when the batteries are low. If the electricity goes out, the system will still be operational.


Price should not get in the way when trying to keep your family safe. Fortunately you can find plenty of affordable wireless systems to get the job done. They also are easily transferable, allowing you to transfer a system from one location to another if you decide to move.

Room to Grow

Paying less doesn’t mean less security. More sensors can be easily added to monitor pool gates, safes, and more. Each part of a wireless system can also be upgraded to a newer model as they come out. As your family grows and changes, so too will your alarm system.

To get a wireless home alarm in Oak Park, contact Alert Protective Services today. Our security professionals specialize in wireless home alarms in Oak Park and the surrounding neighborhoods. To learn more about our systems and service, visit us on the web, or schedule a consultation/ contact us by calling (855) 433-6700. Try our DIY services if you are interested in installing your security system yourself.

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